Creedence Energy Services offers analytical and technical services with our primary labs in the Williston and Permian Basins. With the investment of a state-of-the-art analytical laboratory in both Williston ND and Odessa, TX, Creedence can provide quick turnaround of the analyses necessary to optimize chemical programs and be responsive in times of need. Our experienced team understands the challenges of analyzing fluids in all majors basins in the United States and can overcome the complexities and matrix effects to accurately and reliably provide results. Combined with Creedence’s outstanding service, the addition of Analytical and Technical Services can diagnose challenges, develop precise chemical programs, and advance understanding of production systems.
Meet the Team
Analyses Offered
Water Analysis
Elemental Water Analysis is performed in accordance with API Recommended Practice 45, Recommended Practice for Analysis of Oilfield Waters, EPA Method 200.7, and HACH Method 8221. All relevant species are detected and measured by atomic or ionic emission by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Additional Water Analysis testing includes chloride titration measured by Mohr’s Method, pH measurement, alkalinity titration, colorimetric dissolved sulfide test, and Turbidimetric Determination of Sulfate with Spectrophotometer.
Scale Inhibitor Residual
Measurement of residual scale inhibitor in water is performed in accordance with API Recommended Practice 45, Recommended Practice for Analysis of Oilfield Waters, and EPA Method 200.7. Relevant species are detected and measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and correlated to a response factor.
Corrosion Inhibitor Residual
Determination of residual corrosion inhibitor is performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometry coupled with solvent extraction. Measurements are correlated to a response in accordance with NACE-96344.
Oil in Water Residual
Measurement of residual oil in water is performed by Infrared Determination in accordance with ASTM D7066-04. IR absorption at 2930 cm-1 is correlated to a calibration curve to provide part per million (ppm) measurements.
Total Suspended Solids Analysis
Determination and characterization of suspended solids in water is performed in accordance with NACE TM0173-2015.
Solid Deposit Characterization
Qualitative characterization of deposition solids is performed by industry standard solubility principles and well-known reaction observations.
Corrosion Coupon Analysis
Analysis of corrosion coupons and calculated corrosion rates are installed and analyzed in accordance with NACE Standard RP0775-87.
Equipment Capabilities
ICP-OES by Perkin Elmer Avio 500
Capable of both axial and radial viewing, the Avio is capable of measuring elements at high (>500 nm) and low (< 200nm) wavelengths with no loss of light or sensitivity. The powerful charge-coupled device (CCD) detector measures the wavelength range around selected emission lines simultaneously for enhanced precision, performing concurrent background correction measurements to enhance accuracy and sensitivity. Short start-up time and additional sample preparation capabilities make the Avio one of the most efficient ICP-OES systems available.
Hach DR3900 Laboratory Spectrophotometer
This photometer is capable of measuring wavelengths ranging from 320 nm to 1100 nm. Coupled with RFID technology, the DR3900 is easy to use and can automatically recognize samples and method parameters. Pre-loaded with numerous tests for measurement of common species, the correct parameters for analysis are already set, allowing for ease of use reducing unnecessary human error.
Spectro Scientific IR InfraCal 2 Trans-SP
Coupled with appropriate solvent extraction, the InfraCal 2 can measure extracted hydrocarbons by comparing the amount of energy absorbed at 2930 cm-1 (3.4 microns) to a proportional response factor. While maintaining accuracy below 1 ppm, the InfraCal 2 is known for its resilience and dependability.
Mettler Toledo T7 Auto Titrator
With the investment of the Mettler Toledo T7 Auto Titrator, Creedence has improved accuracy and removed human error in water analysis. The T7 Auto Titrator measures the chloride concentration in water analyses by Mohr’s Titration. This ensures reliability and provides validation in the cation/anion balance through separately validated, multi-instrument analysis. By allowing for efficient mass-based titrations, the T7 removes errors present in volume-based titrations in instances in which the fluid’s specific gravity varies from 1.0 g/mL.
The T7 Auto Titrator also provides accurate measurement of pH and Bicarbonate, which are imperative to producing scale and corrosion models representative of production systems. The accuracy of the pH measurement is greatly improved by performing analyses in a controlled laboratory setting in which the care and conditioning of the pH probe is insured by properly trained and experienced laboratory technicians. The T7 Auto Titrator also takes a conductivity reading before performing the pH and Bicarbonate measurement.
Technical Services
Using Creedence Energy Service’s Total Systems Approach (TSA), Technical Services develops tailored solutions and programs to fit operational needs. Understanding the unique nature of each asset and its associated requirements, Technical Services has the capability to design appropriate evaluation methods and determine proper metrics for performance assessment. With an emphasis on communicating with operators, Technical Services strives to discover and execute best fit solutions to meet economic considerations. Technical Services is an ever-evolving aspect of Creedence Energy Services and is continually developing to meet the unique challenges of the Williston, Permian, MidCon, San Juan Basins.